diumenge, 10 de gener del 2010

Proposta per a tenir en compte les nacions sense estat

Volem aprofitar aquest vídeo on es veu gent de diferents països cantant, com un exemple d'on es podria incorporar amb tota normalitat les nacions sense estat (Quebec, Catalunya, Euskadi, Escòcia, Tibet...).

La societat civil, en accions que no tenen res a veure amb els formalismes legals, podrien donar carta de ciutadania, presència i reconeixement als pobles que no estan reconeguts com a estats, sense que s'entengui com a una acció política sinó merament de caràcter identitari.

On December 7th, 2009 at 1:30pm GMT Starbucks invited musicians from all over the world to sing together at the same time to raise awareness for AIDS in Africa. In that one breathtaking moment, musicians from 156 countries played "All You Need is Love" together. Watch now, as musicians from all around the world come together and share a song.

Join in by lending your own voice to http://StarbucksLoveProject.com Watch streaming video from countries around the world and then join in by singing All You Need is Love yourself. For each video submitted, Starbucks will make a contribution to the Global Fund to help fight against AIDS in Africa. You can also help increase the Starbucks contribution to the Global Fund by submitting a drawing to the Love Gallery.

The global sing-along is part of our continuing efforts to help fight AIDS in Africa. In just one year in partnership with (RED)™, Starbucks has generated money equivalent to more than 7 million days of medicine to help those living with HIV in Africa.